Change & Delete Logging
ESP has added new security logging to the sales process. Whenever an item is changed or deleted it is logged to a new database so that you can report on it when you need to audit any transactions. All database changes to ESP records have always been logged but this new feature makes it easier for users to report on without the assistance of an ESP support consultant.
Logging can be “silent”, which means that the users are not asked to enter a name or password when changing or deleting items in a sale. The benefit of this is that is faster than having to identify yourself as a user each time you change or delete an item. However, the downside is that you won’t know who made the changes.
Therefore, the option also exists to ask users to select their name and their password when making changes or deletes so that when you do your transaction audits you will know exactly who made the changes and deletes as well as exactly when they took place.
Preventing Cash Up with Unpaid Sales
A new control now exists to prevent users from attempting to complete a cash up if there are any unpaid sales.
Unpaid sales can occur when a sale is prepped in advance while a client is busy with their treatment and can be helpful to speed up the checkout process. However, in some instances users may be unaware that sales have been prepped and they may start a new sale.
This new security features forces front desk staff to ensure that all sales have been closed first before it will allow them to complete their cash up.
Locking a sale when open on another terminal
If you have more than one computer using ESP within your branch over a network then you front desk staff may find themselves alternating between computers to take bookings and process sales. Sometimes staff inadvertently open the same sale on both terminals which can cause errors if they edit the sale on both terminals while open at the same time.
This new feature will give you a message now saying that you cannot open this sale because it is currently being edited on another terminal and will help eliminate any unwanted errors.